

What my clients have to say

“Tifane’ is an insightful coach who helped me sort out my life, and put me on the path to success.  She is an amazing, charismatic person that had the unique ability of provide me some much needed insight.  She helped me see the big picture and guided me towards practical, easy first steps that changed my life completely.”     Adrian


“I am in a profound state of gratitude.  I believe it is entirely possible that our conversation yesterday will prove to be the most pivotal turning point of my life.”    Kenneth

“I am eager to continue our session next week…the impact of that one session has been profound and life altering.  WOW, I’m definitely up against some issues that have been buried for much too long…It’s tough stuff…and brilliant work on your part, Tiff.  Warmest regards and gratitude.”   Peter

“I feel so fortunate that God has led me to you.  Wow!  That was a fabulous session, full of surprises.  You helped me position myself exactly where I need to be.  I’m very excited to expand from here.  Great work Tifane’.”      Lanette

“Hi Tifane’!  I’m still processing and digesting yesterdays conversation.  I want you to know how much I appreciate your phenomenal sense of humor and spot-on insight.  You support and laughter helped me more than anything . What a talented range of gifts you have, my dear.”     Alicia

“Tifane’, you weren’t kidding when you said that the real work happens between our sessions.  I’m amazed at the clarity I’m gaining and you’re right new doors seem to be opening where previously they were closed.  Thank you isn’t sufficient enough, be blessed my sweet child.”      Barbara W

The darkest night is often the bridge to the brightest tomorrow. - Jonathan Lockwood Huie
We must be willing to get rid of the life we've planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us. - Joseph Campbell