Tifanes’   Blog

Money Does Fall From The Sky!

Yesterday while on my run I noticed a $20 bill laying on the ground all alone just waiting for me to scoop the money up. I happily did so and with a smoothness that implied that I had expected that $20 bill to land on my path. If you were a passing observer it would...

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37 1/2 days

I met a gentleman today out on the street corner.  He was looking somewhat lost and confused.  We made eye contact and he asked me if I would help him find a local bar in the area that he was familiar with.  Immediately I was saddened by the reality that their are...

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Maybe different…

Today life feels different and free. The leaves have decided to go and that inspires me to allow my own desires to fall from my tree of stability. My stability comes from the core of my being as opposed to the fragile leaves of external, tangible wants, needs or...

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I been thinking about life, love and the pursuit of manifestation.  Everyone seems to be searching for something, someone or somewhere.  What if you arrived at your programed destination?  How would you feel then?  What would you do if all the striving melted away...

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Safe inside

Why do so many of us look towards another to satisfy our need for safety.  The safest place I can think of is within.....When the weather turns bad we head for shelter, we head for a warm place inside.  Obviously our preference would always be our own home and...

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The City and sound

The messages we receive on a daily basis about any and everything are most often "heard" by the mind, the body and the spirit.  When we distract ourselves with loudness, constant noise that drowns out any shred of intuition we may possess life itself becomes dull.  ...

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Happy Spring……

How to be happy?  Isn't that a question many of us ask ourselves?  Aren't we constantly looking for the secret to happiness? Why? Because happiness is our natural state.  Happiness is the state in which we feel most at home.  How do we maintain this happiness that is...

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I want….I want….I want….

  Alright so you're clear on what it is that you'd like to manifest.  How does a Life Coach such as myself begin to help you attain those wants, needs or desires?  The most powerful and quick way to manifest is by feeling as if you're already received that which...

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I took my car to the shop this morning for a little love and affection.  I am new to the town of Boise, Idaho and  have limited resources when it comes to finding impromptu rides.  I decided last night that it would be a fine day for a walk.  It's a short 4 mile walk...

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The darkest night is often the bridge to the brightest tomorrow. - Jonathan Lockwood Huie
We must be willing to get rid of the life we've planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us. - Joseph Campbell